
Showing posts from January, 2013

2 Node Multi Site Cluster in Windows 2008R2

2 Node Multi Site Cluster in Windows 2008R2 Multi site cluster involves failover feature between sites.There are generally two things that will have to be travel between nodes: data traffic and cluster heartbeats. One thing more you have to be consider client connectivity and cluster management activity.Your replication traffic will most likely require the great amount of bandwidth; you will need to work with your replication vendor to determine how much bandwidth is required. The last thing you need to consider is Quorum model.For a 2-node multi-site cluster configuration, the Microsoft recommended configuration is a Node and File Share Majority quorum. The most common cause of confusion with the Node and File Share Majority quorum is the placement of the File Share Witness. Where should I put the server that is hosting the file share? Let’s look at the options. Option 1 – place the file share in the primary site. This is certainly a valid option for disaster recov...