IBM FileNet CE 4.0
Installation of IBM FileNet CE 4.0:
FileNet Contant Engine can be installed with anyone of the databases like SQL Server,Oracle and DB2.
One application server is also required for CE installation. you can use one of the AS with CE from
- Bea Weblogic 8.1.6 or 9.0
- JBoss Application Server 4.0.5(Only one version with support CE 4.0)
- Websphere 6.0/6.1
Installation of CE with Bea Weblogic and SQL Server 2000
- install Bea weblogic server version mentioned above.
- install SQL server 2000 with SP3 /SP4
- Copy latest JDBC driver for SQL
- Add "weblogic.jar" file path to class path
- copy "sqljdbc.jar" from JDBC driver directory to SQl server and Weblogic "Bin" directory.
- copy "xa_install.sql" and "sqljdbc_xa.dll" to SQL server Binn directory.
- Run "xa_install.sql" script by selecting "MASTER" database.
- Restart the Weblogic Application Server.
- In the weblogic console create two connection pool for CE,by selecting Bea driver.
- Create DSN using above pool.
- Install CE 4.0.
FileNet Contant Engine can be installed with anyone of the databases like SQL Server,Oracle and DB2.
One application server is also required for CE installation. you can use one of the AS with CE from
- Bea Weblogic 8.1.6 or 9.0
- JBoss Application Server 4.0.5(Only one version with support CE 4.0)
- Websphere 6.0/6.1
Installation of CE with Bea Weblogic and SQL Server 2000
- install Bea weblogic server version mentioned above.
- install SQL server 2000 with SP3 /SP4
- Copy latest JDBC driver for SQL
- Add "weblogic.jar" file path to class path
- copy "sqljdbc.jar" from JDBC driver directory to SQl server and Weblogic "Bin" directory.
- copy "xa_install.sql" and "sqljdbc_xa.dll" to SQL server Binn directory.
- Run "xa_install.sql" script by selecting "MASTER" database.
- Restart the Weblogic Application Server.
- In the weblogic console create two connection pool for CE,by selecting Bea driver.
- Create DSN using above pool.
- Install CE 4.0.